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Blackbear Capital

Transparent. Independent. Disciplined.


About Us

BlackBear Capital is an independent Registered Investment Advisor that is dedicated to acting in your best interest at all times and to providing you and your family the tools necessary to approach your financial future with confidence.

We are humbled and honored to serve in a fiduciary capacity for our clients. This responsibility is not only a legal requirement, but one that we take great pride in representing.

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It's not how much money you make, but how much you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.

Who We Serve

At Blackbear Capital, our goal is to help you make the best possible decisions to accumulate, grow, and distribute your wealth effectively.  As you look to your long term goals such as building your business, safeguarding your assets, or preparing for retirement, we can work with you to design a plan to build and protect your assets  – allowing you to spend more time on the things in life that really matter.



A physician’s career is characterized by transition, challenge, and reward. Losing time to a poorly devised financial plan is avoidable.


Near Retirement / Retirees

When you’ve never done it before, it’s hard to figure out when to retire and how to make your money last.



Successful entrepreneurs pour countless hours, passion, and unwavering dedication into their business.



If you are responsible for the investment affairs of a nonprofit, your task has grown more difficult in recent years.


Blackbear Capital combines its foundations in investment management and financial planning with advanced advisory services to create a truly customized client experience. Our holistic process includes the oversight and stewardship of all elements of your financial life.

Financial Planning

Financial Planning begins by evaluating your holistic financial situation.

Investment Management

We understand the commitment required to truly make intelligent decisions about your investments.

Retirement Planning

Preserving your wealth and maintaining your standard of living are among your highest priorities.

401(k) Advisory

As an employer and sponsor of a 401(k) plan, your company has a fiduciary duty to its participants.

Estate Planning

Taking care of family and loved ones. Protecting your assets. Minimizing taxes.

Business Valuation

For many business owners, the primary portion of their wealth is tied up in their company.